I still have my job working for Oracle and am very exciting about an upcoming project. We are so blessed that I get to work from my own living room...I don't know how we would do it otherwise.
Rick is still attending school to become a Civil Engineer and unfortunately still has 3 more years to go...but we'll make it! (Though I'm sure at times Rick doesn't feel that way). The real exciting news for Rick is he joined a band several months ago and they are starting to perform. In May, they will be the opening band for the Lead guitarist from Tesla (I'm not familiar with them, but apparently Tesla is pretty big). They have all originals and are hoping to start recording sometime in the next few months. I'm so glad Rick has something besides school that he loves!
Our big news is of course Niki!!! Nicole Stacy Keizer was born Mar 31, 2010 wieghing in at 7 lbs and 13 oz. By her 2 week apt, she weighed 9 lbs 7 oz. I guess she like to eat :-) She is such a good baby. I was soooo excited when she was born, she had a full head of dark dark hair about 1in long. But since then she has gone bald on the top of her head (yes, leaving her looking like a balding guys head) aahhh well...at least we get to look forward into finding out what her true hair color will be :-)
Patcy has grown up sooooo much and is so adorable. She is a ton of fun and especially loves to play with her daddy (I've come to find out that I'm not that fun of a mom, because I don't get down and wrestle nor throw her in the air that much...thank goodness for Rick).
Ok, so that wasn't too bad to just sit down and write this...I just need to remember to do it on a regular basis. But now my girls are up and I'd better go. Below are some pics that were recently taken.